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Things You Didn't Know About Pigeon Forge

Pigeon Forge is full of history, attractions, wildlife, and more! We know all about Dollywood and The Smokies, but here are some things you may not have known!

  • The permanent population is WAY lower than the amount of visitors we get! Just about 6,000 people live here, making our nook in the foothills a pretty small town. Millions visit us regularly and calling this beautiful place home is nothing short of magical!
  • The Great Smoky Mountains National Park is the most visited park in the United States. And for good reason! When you experience the diversity of the Smokies you’ll want to come back over and over again.
  • Pigeon Forge gets its name from two pretty cool things. 1. It’s located along the Little Pigeon River. 2. Settlers added “Forge” in reference to the iron forge located near The Old Mill.
  • Does Dolly visit her hometown? You bet she does! Mrs. Dolly Parton loves to surprise us at least once a year. If you’re lucky you might catch her at her Stampede, Dollywood, or even the public library!

We hope you enjoyed these fun facts about our hometown!

TopJump Trampoline and Extreme Arena

3735 Parkway
Pigeon Forge, TN

Located between lights 8 & 10 on the Parkway.

Top rated attraction, minutes from Sevierville and Gatlinburg.


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