TopJump is a place for the whole family to enjoy. We understand there are many options for you in Pigeon Forge, and we owe it to you to keep you as safe as possible, minimize injuries, and do everything to ensure you leave safe and happy. Check out our safety rules below.
Trampoline Park
Jumpers Must:
- Watch entire safety video before jumping
- Empty all items from pockets
- Secure glasses
- Wear rubber bottomed socks
- Stay in control
- Jump within their abilities; master basic skills before moving onto more advanced tricks or flips
- Perform at their own risk: Flips and other tricks can be dangerous
- Be aware of others around them
- Stay at least an arms length away from all other jumpers
- Jump with people of similar age and size
- Follow all safety instructions as directed by Top Jump staff
- Be watched by a parent if under 42″
- Have closed toes, closed heel, tied tennis shoes to participate in ninja course
Jumpers Must Not:
- Land on their head or neck
- Run, horseplay, or play tag games in the park
- Perform group tricks
- Do double or triple flips
- Attempt more than two single flips in a row
- Flip over or land on pads
- Double bounce or affect another’s bounce
- Grab any netting or the top of pads
- Wear a billed hat
- Wear wet clothes or body paint
- Be under the influence of drugs or alcohol
- Sit or lie down on the trampolines
- Exceed 285 lbs
- Hold other quests while jumping
- Hold phones or handheld devices while jumping
- Have food or drink while jumping
Clip 'N Climb
Climbers Must:
- Watch entire safety video before climbing
- Empty all items from pockets
- Have harness checked by staff before climbing
- Be clipped to the safety line before climbing
- Wear a helmet when instructed by staff
- Follow all safety instructions as directed by Top Jump staff
- Be at least 42 inches tall
- Secure glasses
- Tie back long hair
- Wear closed toe shoes or rubber bottomed socks
Climbers Must Not:
- Hold onto or pull down on the safety line while climbing
- Bounce out from the wall while coming down
- Wear high heels, flip-flops, crocs, or open toe shoes
- Wear any jewelry or watches
- Run, horseplay, or play tag games in the park
- Have food, drink, or gum in the climbing area
- Exceed 330 Ibs
Patron Responsibility
I understand there are inherent risks in the participation in or on any trampoline or climbing area. I understand I have a duty to exercise good judgment and act in a responsible manner while using the trampoline or climbing area and to obey all oral or written warnings, or both, prior to or during participation, or both.
I understand I have a duty to not participate in or on any trampoline or climbing area when under the influence of drugs or alcohol.
I understand I have a duty to properly use all trampoline or climbing safety equipment provided.
I understand I have a duty to not participate in or on any trampoline or climbing area if I have preexisting medical conditions, circulatory conditions, heart or lung conditions, recent surgeries, back or neck conditions, high blood pressure, any history of spine, musculoskeletal or head injury, or may be pregnant.
I understand I have a duty to remove inappropriate attire, including hard, sharp, or dangerous objects (such as buckles, pens, purses, badges, and so forth).
I understand I have a duty to avoid bodily contact with other patrons.
I understand I have a duty to conform with or meet height, weight, or age restrictions imposed by the manufacturer or owner to use or participate in the trampoline or climbing activity.
I understand I have a duty to avoid crowding or overloading individual sections of the trampoline court or climbing wall
I understand I have a duty to refrain from “double-bouncing” other patrons.
I understand I have a duty to use the trampoline or climbing area within my own limitations, training and acquired skills. I understand I have a duty to avoid landing on my head or neck. Serious injury, paralysis, or death, can occur.
I understand that I have a duty to abide by and cooperate with all rules, instructions or warnings of inappropriate behavior or conduct including violation of court rules from the signs, the court referee/monitor or his supervisors.
TopJump Trampoline and Extreme Arena
3735 Parkway
Pigeon Forge, TN
Located between lights 8 & 10 on the Parkway.
Top rated attraction, minutes from Sevierville and Gatlinburg.